Atlantik Care : a brand comitted to the ocean

Founded in Cap Ferret, Atlantik Care was born of the desire of its founders to create a brand of cosmetics that would have a positive impact on the ocean. Their idea was to design products based on active ingredients derived directly from the marine environment, with proven benefits developed in a research and development laboratory (the Art & Cos laboratory at Pouillon in the Nouvelle Aquitaine region). The project is part of a circular economy scheme to give back to the sea what it gives to us every day. The founders also wish to donate part of their profits to associations or organizations that help protect our oceans and their ecosystems.

Having developed a range of cosmetics for men and women, Atlantik Care also includes skin protection creams, oils and soaps. With the goal of moving closer to the R&D laboratory, as well as developing their own production facilities over the next 3 years, the founders logically decided to set up their business in the Basque Country, which is known for its wellbeing sector. BASQUE INVEST was instrumental in this move, which has proven to be a key factor in the company’s development.

The advantages of the basque country for setting up a company in the wellness and blue sector

Committed to the blue economy, Atlantik Care turned to the Basque Country for several reasons. Firstly, they needed to be close to their research and development laboratory, as well as to their favorite element: the ocean. Numerous cosmetics brands based in the area are committed to limiting their environmental impact, particularly on the marine ecosystem, including Laboratoires de Biarritz and Alaena Cosmétiques. There is a real awareness about preserving our environment in the region as a whole.

The Basque Country is a strong economic area. The numerous technopoles and business incubators make it easier for a young company or start-up to establish itself in the region by building up a network and creating collaborations. Assistance from the Nouvelle Aquitaine region, the Bayonne CCI (Chamber of Commerce and Industry), and organizations such as BASQUE INVEST, help make the region even more attractive.

Basque invest's support for a successful set up in the basque country

After making contact through the BASQUE INVEST website, the founders of Atlantik Care approached François Applagnat to help them set up their business. Together with Christine Perguilhem, from the CCI de Bayonne’s Créations d’entreprises department, François helped them structure their company, their capital and their financing plan. He also put them in touch with banks, helped them put together a file for the Bultza grant, and helped them find premises in the area

Finally, Atlantik Care intends to set up a production facility over the next 3 years. BASQUE INVEST is supporting them in their search for financing for this strategic step in their development.