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BASQUE INVEST vous aide à implanter votre activité professionnelle en France, au Pays Basque

Starting a business: how to choose your legal status?

What is the best legal status option for your business project? EI, EURL, SARL, SA, SAS, SASU, SNC, Scop: there […]

22 March 2024
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BASQUE INVEST Interphex Osaka

Basque Invest at Interphex Osaka

10th Interphex in Osaka This year, the Basque Invest team will be attending the 10th INTERPHEX trade show in Osaka, […]

20 February 2024
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BASQUE INVEST innovations pharmaceutiques Pays basque

Nanotechnologies and medical innovation in France

Nanotechnologies: definition and meaning A nanometer (nm) is the distance between two atoms.  For example, a water molecule measures 0.1 […]

29 January 2024
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BASQUE INVEST innovation dispositifs médicaux Pays basque

The healthcare industry and medical innovation in France

What is the healthcare industry sector? The Healthcare Industries and Technologies (HIT) sector comprises French companies involved in R&D (research […]

15 December 2023
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Basque Invest accompagne les entreprises de l'industrie spatiale

New Space: the French space industry conquers space

New space and the French space industry The term New Space was first coined in 2006 by the Space Frontier […]

7 December 2023
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Basque Invest à l'ISPO salon de l'industrie du sport

Basque Invest at ISPO Munich 2023

As every year, the key players in the sports and outdoor economy gather in Munich to take part in ISPO. […]

23 November 2023
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Basque Invest accompagne les entreprises aéronautiques en France

French aeronautical companies | Basque Invest

Decarbonization: French aeronautical companies’s challenges The aeronautical industry is made up of companies specializing in the design, manufacture and maintenance […]

22 November 2023
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Basque Invest accompagne les entreprises de l'industrie textile

Assistance in setting up composite businesses | Basque Invest

Sustainable composite materials: when French startups innovate France boasts a large number of composite companies dedicated to the development of […]

20 October 2023
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Basque Invest accompagne les entreprises aéronautiques en France

The aeronautics industry’s initiatives for a sustainable economy

The challenges facing the aeronautics sector as it strives to become a more sustainable industry   The aviation industry has […]

2 October 2023
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Basque Invest accompagne les entreprises numériques en France

The latest technological trends in the healthcare sector

Current challenges facing healthcare companies in France and the Basque Country     The healthcare industry, a major economic sector in […]

8 September 2023
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Basque Invest à l'IFA de Barlin

IFA Berlin 2023: Europe’s biggest electronics show

IFA Berlin: a landmark trade fair for technology, industry and innovation for almost 100 years   The IFA Berlin (Internationale […]

31 July 2023
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Basque Invest accompagne les entreprises de l'économie circulaire

The circular economy: a challenge for industries in the Basque Country

What is the circular economy, and what are its challenges? The circular economy, according to the French Ministry for Ecological […]

7 July 2023