Legal notes website is published by :

Invest French Basque Country
Bayonne Basque Country Chamber of Commerce & Industry
PO Box 215
50-51 Allées Marines

Bayonne Basque Country Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Company registration n° (SIRET) : 186 400 057 00011 – Activity code (APE): 9411 Z
Intra-community VAT n° : FR 5L 186 400 057

The director of publication is Bernard DARRETCHE

BASQUE INVEST website was developped and is hosted by :
SAS au capital de 5 000 €
Code APE 62061 Z – N° TVA : FR84523816320
Siège social : 4 ROUTE DE PITOYS – 64600 ANGLET – FRANCE.

Update Hitza Agence Web & Design. 

The entire website is subject to French and international legislation with regard to copyright and intellectual property. All rights reserved, including for iconographic and photographic documents.

Photo credits

All photos belong to the Bayonne Basque Country Chamber of Commerce & Industry, except those bearing the name “Fotolia”, whose rights were acquired for use under the Creative Commons Licence by the Bayonne Basque Country Chamber of Commerce & Industry.

Other contact details of people to contact if necessary

DPO, délégué à la protection des données personnelles : Jean-Philippe Bédère – Tél : –