The Paris Air Show: the meeting place for aeronautics professionals

17 May 2023

The Paris Air Show: the meeting place for aeronautics and aerospace professionals


The International Paris Air Show (or SIAE) – Paris Le Bourget is taking place this year for the 54th time. For more than 100 years, this show has been a privileged meeting place for all professionals in the aeronautics and space industry, but also for the general public who love aeronautics and space. Since the first edition of the SIAE in 1909 at the Grand Palais, the SIAE has welcomed professional and general public visitors, as well as companies and schools, to discover the ecosystem and the technological and industrial innovations of this sector of French excellence. Basque Invest will once again be present from 19th to 25th of June at Le Bourget for this 54th edition of the International Aeronautics and Space Exhibition.


Over the years, the SIAE has developed and remains today the largest international event dedicated to the aeronautics and space industry. For any company in the aeronautics industry, the stakes are high in order to present its innovations to visitors, to meet potential partners or to establish links with all the players in the sector’s industrial value chain.


In 2019, at the 53rd edition of the SIAE, more than 2,450 companies, representing 49 countries, came to present their activities, which is the highest number of visitors to the show since its creation. 304 official delegations came from 98 countries, and almost 140,000 trade visitors came to the show, 40% of whom were international. In total, including the general public, more than 316,000 visitors came to the show. The SIAE is truly one of the largest exhibitions in the world, and the largest exhibition in the aviation industry, attracting more and more visitors each year.

This year, the 54th edition of the show will take place from 19 to 25 June 2023, at the Paris-Le Bourget Exhibition Centre. The first four days will be reserved for professional visitors, and the following three days will be open to the general public.

A 54th edition of the International Paris Air Show placed under the sign of innovation


This 54th edition has the particularity of taking place 4 years after the previous one: usually organized every 2 years, the SIAE had been postponed to 2021 due to the Covid-19 health crisis. 2023 therefore marks the reunion of all the global players in this industry, after 4 years of dynamic and testing economic and technological conditions for the aeronautics industry. Innovations will therefore be at the heart of this edition, as the aeronautics sector is in continuous evolution and in permanent challenge in the face of an economy tending to become increasingly green. 

A true meeting and exchange place, in 2019 the SIAE enabled the signing of more than 140 billion dollars worth of contracts between partners and companies in the aeronautics and space sector. Thanks to the presence of 2,700 journalists during the week of the show, the SIAE is a formidable showcase for the exhibiting companies, but also for the show’s partner companies, such as Accenture, Bell & Ross and Renault.


Numerous spaces and events placed under the sign of innovation are organized during the week of the show:

  • Paris Air Lab: a space dedicated to research, innovation and market forecasting, this 3rd edition in 2023 will be dedicated to the new challenges of the aeronautics industry in France and worldwide. Decarbonisation, research programmes to meet the commitments of carbon neutrality by 2050, technological innovations, non-fossil fuel energy sources… This 1,000 m2 space will be designed as an educational trail to explore the aeronautics of the future! Visitors will also be able to meet all the players in this ecosystem: researchers, industrialists, energy companies, etc. The days will be punctuated by conferences and presentations/debates given by professionals from the sector or immersive experiences.
  • Paris Air Mobility: a new feature of this 2023 edition, this 1000 m2 space will be dedicated to eVTOLs (for “electric vertical take-off and landing”). What are the issues, challenges and opportunities for the eVTOL sector? Bringing together all the key players in the sector, including manufacturers and start-ups, the aim of the Paris Air Mobility event is to share these new innovative products and services with visitors. As in the Paris Air Lab area, the Paris Air Mobility will combine conferences and debates, an exhibition area, and analyses by expert and passionate speakers who will share their views on this new air mobility and advanced air mobility (AAM) market. This area is proposed in partnership with Aviation Week Network, and will be a very interesting highlight of this SIAE 2023.

For this 2023 edition, and after 7 years of development, the SIAE will use the new Hall 3 of the Paris-Le Bourget Exhibition Centre for the first time. After this 54th edition, it will be made available to the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games Organising Committee, as will the entire Paris-Le Bourget Exhibition Centre. It will host the Main Media Centre. 


Aeronautics and space companies: why go to SIAE 2023?


For any company in the aeronautics, mechatronics, aerospace or defense industry, this show is the perfect opportunity to meet a multitude of players in their ecosystem, customers or potential partners. The visibility of the SIAE at the international level and in the media is particularly strategic, especially as many politicians visit the event every year.


The SIAE is the meeting point for all the players in the sector. In 2019, at the previous edition, 80% of exhibiting companies belonged to these fields of activity:

  • Service companies (27%)
  • Electrical, electronic, mechanical or metallurgical subcontracting (20%)
  • Production equipment, tools and software (12%)
  • General materials, composites and surface treatments (10%)
  • Aircraft: construction, assembly and sub-assemblies (9%)

Going to the Paris Air Show
is a great opportunity to be at the heart of the innovations, novelties and prospective trends of the years to come in terms of equipment, tools, production software, aircraft, satellites, telecommunications, propulsion systems, navigation and piloting assistance systems, decarbonisation programmes, etc.


At the service of innovative companies and at the heart of the ecosystem of sectors of excellence in France and the Basque Country, Basque Invest regularly visits the SIAE to discover new trends in the aeronautics sector and to provide its clients with the best advice. If you would like to discuss with us the innovations and opportunities in your sector, or if you would like information on the aeronautical sector in the Basque Country, please contact us.